Mom my ears are stuffed! Review: Eustachi Eustachian Tube Exerciser
Unclog your ears naturally
By Macaroni Kid Redlands
May 12, 2017
Do your ears get plugged when you have a cold, how about when you fly? This week we tried the Eustachi Eustachian Tube Exerciser, designed to unclog your ears naturally.
It just so happened that last week my daughter's head was stuffed up from allergies, her nose was driving her crazy then her ears became very clogged. We all know how annoying it can be when your ears are stuffed and you hear everything all muffled. So yes she was in a GREAT mood! She is not a fan of taking medicine when she is not feeling well, she just likes to ride it out so I was not sure how she was going to feel about the Eustacian. I showed her how to use it, very simple just press the Eustachi to one side of your nose to form a tight seal and hold the other side so no air can enter or exit. While the seal is tight press the button on the Eustachi and swallow. Next thing you know her ears were unclogged. After the first use once her ears became clogged again she was asking to use the Eustachi cause it was giving her relief. Repeating the process is normal because you are exercising the Eustachian Tube, just like you need to swallow many times to keep your ears unclogged.
How is this different then what you are already doing, swallowing and yawning to open up your ear tube? The Eustachi actually works with the body's natural process of swallowing by adding a little air to help exercise your Eustachian tubes. The company is confident you will find relief with the Eustachi that they offer a 30-day satisfaction guarantee.
You can purchase Eustachi at a Target near you
Disclaimer: I received a Eustachi to use to write this review. All opinions and statements are my own.