
Small Business Saturday!

Keep Showing Your Thankfulness By Shopping Local

By Trisha Adams November 30, 2019

This Thanksgiving has come and gone. For many, it came in with a bang, bringing with it a snowstorm. Cities around the Inland Empire experienced the white fluffy stuff coming down, and even sticking enough to make snow angels and snowmen. Some families even experienced enough snow that required snow chains for travel. In the High Desert and Mountain Communities, the snow was several feet, causing dangerous situations. Many even lost power, and roads leading on and off the mountain were shut down. 

Today is Small Business Saturday, and we urge everyone to #ShopLocal. Why shop local? When you shop local, you are investing in your community. You are helping create and sustain employment for other local families in your community. Local Businesses tend to give back to their communities in a variety of ways. When you shop local, you are also strengthening the local economy. Yes, you may be able to find gifts from bigger organizations through mail, or even shopping big business, but you will miss out on some of the unique items local businesses offer. Many families these days are looking for alternatives to material gifts and going for destination or activity gifts instead. Shopping local can offer more of these types of gifts for your family. 

Today, give back to your community by shopping and eating local. Make a difference in your community and support others! And Happy Thanksgiving from my Family to Yours!
