
A Note From Your Publisher

Just Checking In!

By Trisha Adams March 21, 2020

How are you all? Life has drastically altered in the last week. Changes have happened so fast it has made it difficult to keep up with all of the changes happening. Our busy, social lives have come to a screeching halt. Social Distancing has been mandated. Many families are learning how to homeschool, and still figure out how they are going to make ends meet. This is a very trying time for us all. 

My family is also feeling the stress of all the constant changes. My Littles are out of daycare, so that means mommy is learning how to work around them being underfoot. My older two boys are learning how to share their space and to take turns with Mom's Ipad so they both can do school. The Hubs is learning how to be creative with other ways he can support our family through this time. 

Here at Macaroni Kid Redlands Highland, we are working as diligently as we can to bring you all relevant information, all while keeping up with the constant changes. Our calendar will be updated as quickly as we can so that you can have online events and virtual classes at your fingertips. We will be bringing you articles that have ideas and activities on how to homeschool at home. and other at-home activities to help keep your kids from getting bored. Please be patient as we get these things going for you.

~ Trish

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