
Note From Your Publisher


By Trisha Adams April 4, 2020

What a week! Am I right? This week was a rough one. 

At the beginning of all of this, it was easy to think of staying home as one very rare, extra long weekend where we had nothing to do and nowhere to go. Our kids kind of looked at being home from school like Christmas or Summer break. Yes, there was still the stress of acclimation and the constant changes taking place with all of the new guidelines and mandates, but it was nothing like the hit we all got this week. 

Schools are now closed all across California for the remainder of this school year!!!

Some of us may have already prepared for this and sensed this was on the horizon. Some of us may have been holding out hope that the kids would return to school sooner rather than later. This also meant that we could all return to our jobs outside the home, thus getting back to our normal, everyday lives. 

Then came the Mandate and Press Release from the Superintendent of California Schools. Schools would not reopen this school year. Our kids, who may have been handling the initial school closures well, did not take the news of schools staying closed well at all. The realization set in that they will not be able to return to their class, they will not see their teacher or friends. They will not get to say goodbye. 

The Class of 2020 is feeling this much greater than all the rest. No Prom, No Grad Night, No Awards or Sports Banquets. But most devastating is Graduation. They have spent the last 4 years working towards Graduation. And now it is all up in the air. and uncertain. 

I know this has been a very difficult time for us all. We are all in this together. I have seen so many people in our community come together to combat all of the negative that is happening. Last week, people placed Teddy Bears in their windows, and others drove around or walked their neighborhoods to hunt for those teddy bears. I have seen the community come together to support local businesses. I have even seen those businesses come together to support each other. 

I know it is easy to get stuck on the negative, but I hope that you will be able to look and see all the good that is coming from this. And I really hope, that as a community, we can really support and celebrate our Seniors in a way that can help them make some good memories from this time. 


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