
Change is Inevitable- How to Cope!

A Note From Your Publisher

By Trisha Adams September 5, 2020

Change can be hard for some of us. Not everyone can roll with the punches that life brings. Even though change is often a necessary part of life, it can cause many emotions to well up in a person. With our current state of the world. change has been something we have all been dealing with on the daily. From businesses shutting down. mask-wearing. distance learning, and job loss, it seems as if we have all been on a never-ending merry-go-round of change. Change has it's positives too, but it can be hard to see the positives when you are in the middle of the stress change can bring. I, personally have struggled with the ebbs and flows of change. 

Here are some ways I have been coping with the constant change that is happening all around me. 

Be Honest and Name It

Name exactly what you are feeling about the change that is happening. But don't let yourself get stuck on the feelings. It is important to acknowledge what you are feeling and even what kind of emotions are being brought up because of the change. Some changes can trigger feelings from a past event that has not been fully processed. Give yourself time to process the feelings, so that you can move forward. 

Remind Yourself What Is Important

When you remind yourself to focus on what is important, you can see that the change is actually going to have some benefits. Even in the hardest circumstances, there is always a silver lining. For example, moving; Moving can be scary, but it can also be a new and exciting adventure that opens up a world of new possibilities.

Find the Humor and the Joy

They say laughter is good medicine for your soul. Look for the humor in the circumstances and allow yourself to laugh. Joy is also found in all circumstances if you are choosing to look for it. For me, I have found the joy in slowing down. Slowing down also gave way to being reminded what is most important right now. 

We may not always have a choice in when or how things change. But we do have control over how we respond. Not everyone has the coping skills to respond to change positively. As we go about our days, let us respond to change with positivity, and also help others around us to respond positively, or at the very least, show grace for those struggling to adapt to the constant change that has become our current situation. 

Thank you for hanging in there with me through the constant change!


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